DMT1: Inaugural session
Richard Rogers – University of Amsterdam
Digital methods for social and cultural research with the web (1/2)
Digital methods for social and cultural research with the web (2/2)
DMT2: Mapping S&T through Structured Data
Jean-Philippe Cointet – INRA/SENS CorTexT
Scientometrics and beyond, investigating science dynamics with complex system methods (1/2)
Scientometrics and beyond, investigating science dynamics with complex system methods (2/2)
Notes by Lionel Villard on the Rafols et al., 2010 article discussed during the seminar.
DMT3: Digitized archives and distant reading
Claire Lemercier – Centre de Sociologie des Organisations (CSO) / Sciences Po
Les grand corpus en ligne changeront-ils la boîte à outils de l’
Notes en français sur l’HDR de Damon Mayaffre, Extraits de sa thèse d’Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Vers une herméneutique matérielle numérique. Corpus textuels, Logométrie et Langage politique.
Notes en français sur l’article de blog de Sophie Cinquin, Utiliser la lexicométrie en histoire (1) : panorama historiographique, Devenir historien-ne.
DMT4: Natively digital data mapping
Noortje Marres – Goldsmiths University of London
Ambiguity of social media research, re-mediating science and technology studies (1/2)
Ambiguity of social media research, re-mediating science and technology studies (2/2)
DMT5: Transformative interactions: web effects on social dynamics
David Chavalarias – Complex Systems Institute of Paris Ile-de-France
Unlikely meeting between von Foerster and Snowden: when the second cybernetics gives insights on the Big Data revolution
DMT6: Visualizing complexity
Pedro Miguel Cruz – University of Coimbra
Storytelling, metaphors and visualization (1 of 2)
Storytelling, metaphors and visualization (2 of 2)
DMT7: Spatializing Data
Jacques Lévy – Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
“spatial turn” in the social sciences (1 of 2)
“spatial turn” in the social sciences (2 of 2)